
When you meet experience with awareness, you will have realization

Realization; awakening; insight; epiphany

From a young age, I have always been fascinated by epiphanies. Realization, insight – the moments that can change your life in an instant. Where things click, and you go ‘ahh,’ or ‘Aha!’ The sporadic moments throughout one’s life where the rest of its shape is informed.

What causes realization? What brings these epiphanies about. Widely wrote about – wisdom traditions, philosophies – many people have attempted to plumb the depths of the soul, or really, the contents of personal experience to see what brings these about.

Realization can come in all shapes sizes and forms. Incremental or revolutionary. Increasing efficiencies within a system, or causing a paradigm shift altogether.

Everything that humanity has achieved throughout our long and glorious history has been a result of individual realization at some level.

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