– JL Stanton

So good. There are so many articles worth reading on this site, and a few major series that will really inform you well-beyond what you will find in regular internet searches when it comes to eating, and food science. The index on the website is great, and is the place to start:

If you are interested in diet and nutrition, it is worth reading basically every article on this site. Particularly excellent series, with links to the first articles in them, include: ‘There is No Such Thing as a Calorie (to your body)‘, ‘Why Are We Hungry?‘ and ‘Big Brains Require an Explanation‘. There are lots of other posts were reading, but these series had a lot of meat to them and made for very insightful and well-backed up reading.

JL also wrote The Gnoll Credo, an interesting fiction primarily focusing on discussions between an ethnographer and a gnoll and where they discuss a wide range of topics, mainly through the lens of gnoll culture and history, that offer some surprising insights about humanity. Reminiscent in certain ways of Daniel Quinn’s Ishmael, yet a complete departure in others.

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