Optimizing Nutrition – Marty Kendall

Marty Kendall, on his blog Optimising Nutrition, does a great job getting into the science and quantification of insulin load, among other nutrition-oriented concepts.  What I took most from this blog, other than the useful charts outlining the insulin index of common foods, was the balancing and re-balancing acts involved with proper management of weight and nutrition.   It’s really not one-size-fits-all, so you start with some basic guidelines and suggestions, and tweak and refine from there.

There is an accompanying tool that was rolled out, Nutrient Optimiser, that is pretty cool and useful in terms of helping you understand your own ‘nutrient fingerprint,’ and provides some guidance and suggestions from there.  There is both a free and a paid version of this tool.

Getting into this level of detail and planning isn’t for everyone, but there are still a number of useful considerations outlined on the site, if you don’t feel like going all the way through the process they recommend.

Also, the blog doesn’t focus solely around weight-loss, but instead understands that there are many different goals and ideals being sought after, so offers some suggestions on how to optimize your approach to nutrition based on what your goals are.  Pretty cool stuff.

Here are some articles from the site I found particularly interesting / helpful:



This last one is the start of an 8 part series that really unpacks so much of the current understanding of macro and micronutrients and how to optimize for health:


Another excellent article:
