Farnam Street – Shane Parrish

Farnam Street is a great blog ran by Shane Parrish. Very insightful articles and strong focus on learning and improving effectiveness.  Highly recommend.

Too many articles to list effectively, but it is an easily navigable site.  Here’s a good example of a typical article, this one on decision making: https://fs.blog/2018/01/john-boyd-ooda-loop/. Or here is a treatment of Hanlon’s Razor: https://fs.blog/2017/04/mental-model-hanlons-razor/

Here’s a list of the most popular articles: https://fs.blog/best-articles/

Farnam Street also has a good podcast, The Knowledge Project – solid range of topics, good tactical advice; long-form interviews with intelligent, notable people – fantastic.

At one point they asked a number of leading minds what is one scientific concept of idea that should be more widely known in 2017, this PDF is the result:

The interviews on parenting were great – they put very specific ideas, and provide applicable models – good maps, I suppose Shane would say, to what a lot of us would intuit. Rooted in good practice.


This was fantastic – full of insight and important considerations.

As was this:



Shane is a talented interviewer, who pays close attention and asks insightful questions.  Here’s another example of a great episode:



The learning community – Farnam Street also has an active forum of people who tend to be motivated and considerate. If forums are your thing, it is a good one.